    The J-340 was the first of its kind to be type accepted for use under the 1991 FCC rule changes and meets or exceeds all past and present application FCC part 74 requirements. RF output is now variable and is determined by factors at the translator site. As a result, this unit has been TYPE ACCEPTED for 10-40 watts and is approved to drive higher powered amplifiers. The new, tighter FCC frequency tolerance of +/-2000 Hz is easily met by this unit. Improved IF filtering address today's "busy" RF sites and are considered standard equipment.
    The J-340 is not a converted exciter or baseband unit, but is a dual heterodyne conversion FM translator much the same as its small cousin, the J-317. This unit utilizes a MOSFET front end, dual gate mixing, latest state of the art IF filter networks, two independent AGC loops, five stages of limiting, and positive muting action. The RF output is regulated for signal variation and line voltage changes. Metering includes forward and reflected power, AGC (relative signal strength), along with power supply voltage and currents for the various stages. Additionally, the output power stage is protected in the event of serious load changes by a special power reduction circuit. For locally originated announcements, as per FCC requirements, an optional built-in audio exciter is available. A high quality demodulated output is also built in for subabudible tone controls and monitoring. The J-340 can also be configured for "SATALATOR" service for mono, stereo, or composite audio input.
    Modular construction permits ease of access to all components for service, test and part replacement. As much as possible, standard, high quality parts are used throughout. Replacement parts are available either directly from the Tepco Corporation, or through numerous part suppliers. All units are environmentally tested at the factory under operating conditions via a computerized test program. A printout of this accurate, unbiased data is shipped with each unit for verification and future reference. The warranty covers all parts and workmanship for a period of one year.
Frequency  Any frequency from 88 to 108 MHz
RF Output Impedance 50 or 75 ohms
Sensitivity (For 30db of quieting) 
               (For 50db of quieting)
2uV across 50 ohms 
10 uV across 50 ohms
Noise Figure 4db
Automatic Gain Control Range 120dB
Bandwidth 240KHz
Image Rejection 100dB
RF Input Impedance 
UHF connector standard (other connectors available)
50 or 75 ohms
Frequency Any frequency from 88 to 108 MHz 
Type of Emission  180F3
Rated Output Power  10 to 40 watts
Power Output Regulation  Within 1% for any change In signal Input level or AC line variation of 10%
RF Output Impedance. UHF connector standard (other connectors available) 50 or 75 Ohms
Harmonics  -80db or better
Spurious Output (600 kHz removed)  -80db or better
FM Signal To Noise Ratio  -70db or better
AM Noise (Referred to carrier) Ratio  -65db or better 
 Overall Frequency Stability  +/-1800 Hz from -30 to +50 deg C
Intermediate Frequency  10.7 MHz
Power Requirements: For 40 Watts RF  AC: lOOVA or DC: 2.8 Amps at 28 Volts 
Optional Audio Modulator  As per 74.123
Dimensions  19" by 13" x 3 1/2"
Weight  25 lbs (Approx. 30 lbs. shipping) 
Tepco Logo
 Tepco Corporation
2603 S. Hwy 79
P0 Box 1160
Rapid City, SD 57701 (PO Box zip 57709)
Phone: 605-343-7200
FAX: 605-343-7240
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