Tepco's J3100

 (for translators or low-power FM stations)



    The J3100 has been type accepted for use under FCC Rules and Regulations parts 73 and 74. This new, broadband, linear, 100 Watt amplifier has been designed specifically for FM Translator use as per the 1991 part 74 rule changes. However, under part 73, this unit could be used as a driver or final for a low power FM station, or as part of a low power standby equipment package.
    Temperature and reflected power values are continuously monitored to assure they conform to adjustable, preset limits. When these limits are exceeded, an externally accessible reference point is reduced to near ground potential via two diode or-gates. When the amplifier is used with one of Tepco's J-317 FM Translators, an out-of-limits condition will cause the translator to mute for the duration of the problem. The circuit will automatically reset if conditions return to normal. Specific Information on this circuit can be supplied to those wishing to interface this amplifier to other drive units.
    The J3100 uses a universal power supply making it ideal for use with foreign AC power. An RF transistor pair rated for 300 Watts (by the manufacturer) makes the J3100 a very rugged amplifier in the field.


RF Drive Requirements (for 100W out) 5 Watts Maximum (4 Watts typical)
RF Power Output  40-100 watts 
Frequency Broadband  88-108 MHz
Dual Metering:  RF 
RF Forward/Reflected 
DC Voltage/Current
Harmonics and Spurious Products  Better than -80dB
FCC Type Accepted Under Parts 73 and 74
AC Requirements (for 100 Watts output) (switch selected ranges): 88-132/176-264 VAC, 47-440Hz, 210 Watts
Impedance 50 Ohms In and Out nominal
Input VSWR less than 2:1
RF Connector Type Female 50 Ohm "N" standard (UHF available)
Weight 19 lbs
Dimensions 19" X 9.5" X 7" (rack mountable)

For more information, e-mail us at tepco@rapidnet.com.

Tepco Corporation
2603 S. Hwy 79
P0 Box 1160
Rapid City, SD 57709
Phone: 605-343-7200
FAX: 605-343-7240
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